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Chaploop™ > Strategy > Prepare > Business Case

Business Case

Marketers tend to surround themselves with the latest technologies and innovations. It’s easy for them to fall into a trap of constantly implementing new technologies without proper business case justification.

Every Chaploop starts with a hypotheses for growth. A mini-case is worked out and a pilot is started. Tools are semi-implemented, leveraged, and then assessed for their contribution in business value. Those ideas that work and create value are scaled up. But not before another round of creating the new and bigger business case. After which a more scalable implementation follows, tools are being levered. And again and again validated for contributing to business value creation.

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Eoin Johnson - Marketing Program Manager “Working with Chapman Bright helped us get our Marketing Automation project off the ground. Their vital and actionable insights were crucial to our business case and project plan.”

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Want to ensure achieving your business case?

Or need help to define your business case?