What is Conversion?
The percentage of visitors to a website that purchase, request a quotation or inquiry.
If a website has 100 visitors of which 10 visitors make a purchase then the conversion rate is 10%. A good conversion can only be achieved if the website is well constructed. This has nothing to do with search engines, but only with the website itself. We must therefore look at the usability of a website.
A conversion does not necessarily have to be a purchase. This can also be a brochure request or a contact form. The conversion is often an actual sale or getting the name and address details for lead generation. The visitor of a website has a purpose for his visit. He searches for prices, product information or wants to make a purchase. When the purpose of the visitor matches the purpose of the site owner you create an ideal situation.
At each step (eg. clicks) in converting visitors they can leave the website. Adjustments to limit this loss is called conversion optimization. This can be achieved by a shortning forms, putting forms the less deep into the site and alter buttons on the forms (contrast, position, and color). But also think about enumerating benefits or adding labels to create trust.
You can also analyze why certain steps of the process fail. Do visitors leave the payment process to check the frequently asked questions to get to know more about the delivery times? Then you can make an assumption that this is important to them. You could mention the delivery prominently during the purchase process. This is called a hypothesis.
A hypothesis must always be properly tested. The use of A / B testing and multivariate testing to (Google Website Optimizer) is used for this purpose. This software lets visitors show variations of the same content to determine which version has most conversions. This version can then be used as new