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Sungevity - Improving Lead Quality by Implementing a Consumer-centric Approach to Lead Scoring and Lead Nurturing Programs

Sungevity was already seeing success with their basic lead scoring and nurturing programs in Marketo Engage, but they wanted to tailor their approach to be more consumer-centric and see better lead quality so they re-evaluated and improved their programs accordingly.

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Background & Challenges

Sungevity initially implemented Marketo Engage in 2019, with the basics for marketing automation. A solid foundation for inbound marketing was set up through the implementation of lead scoring, lead nurturing, process integrations, and the development of tailored content programs. Their lead scoring model was set up to assign points to leads based on their behavior and characteristics which the organization believed would lead to purchasing solar panels. The results of this new approach were positive, resulting in an overall successful project with a basic Marketo Engage implementation.

Even though the foundation was laid successfully, Sungevity wanted to further optimize, improve and thus set even more challenging goals for 2021. One of these goals included increasing their lead conversion rate through an assessment of what processes, scoring and content were currently in place, and adjusting according to the data that they had obtained in the last two years. Ultimately, their main challenge and goal was to improve their inbound marketing and transform it from a cost center to a revenue center.

The cost of acquisition is rising in the solar panel business. Not only is it harder to generate new names, but it’s also costly to create roof calculations and offers for those leads. And a part of the created roof calculations never make it to sales. Different seasonal campaigns can generate more leads than sales can handle in a certain time frame.

How can a pool of leads be stored? And how can only the leads with the highest propensity to buy be persuaded to engage? And then handed over to sales at the right time?

Customer Story

Verlaging van de acquisitiekosten voor zonnepanelen dankzij het voorkomen van onnodige berekeningen en het doorsturen van de juiste leads naar de salesafdeling

Lees hoe innovatiecyclussen zorgen voor continue bedrijfswaarde.


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