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4 Quick Wins in Marketing Automation

Quick wins are efficiency gains that deliver the largest benefits in a short period of time, when implementing and deploying marketing automation. It’s important to always include quick wins in your marketing plan. Why is that? Quick wins will motivate you and your team to continue and you’ll earn the trust to take the next steps in marketing automation.

  1. Gated content

Place an interesting piece of content on your website like a whitepaper, guide or e-book. Your target audience can download it for free, the only condition is to leave data behind, so the gated content can be send to the applicant. Before asking out information, think about which information is really necessary in this stage. The fewer fields to fill out, the more leads are inclined to fill it out. The information that comes from the downloads can be used to nurture leads, on condition that they’ve given their consent. It can also be used to analyse your target audience, so you can anticipate better on this.

  1. Lead source assignment

It’s important to tag every new person that enters your marketing automation platform with the correct lead source. This is the source that is responsible for generating the lead, e.g. LinkedIn, Google or your website. It will help you to determine which channels deliver most leads and which channels deliver high value leads. With this information you can make more strategic and fact-based decisions on how to spend your marketing budget, in order to get the best results.

  1. Personalized content

Customers expect for you to know them, therefore make sure you personalize your email marketing. There are simple tools in your marketing automation platform that facilitate this, e.g. variables that display the first name of a customer instead of a general salutation. Tricks and tactics like this will boost your open and click-through rates. For more tips, take a look at this Marketo blog.

  1. Nurturing

A ‘nurture’ process means that a prospect is ‘fed’ with content until a moment comes when he’s converted into a lead by showing his interest. This is based on multiple e-mails that will be sent to this lead with each interesting and unique content. If the visitor clicks on a button or an article in one of the e-mails, a personal follow-up will follow in which the next step in the purchase process can be used.

Get started with quick wins in marketing automation and start generating leads. Do you want to dive deeper into this? Then don’t forget to download the Definitive Guide to Lead Generation of Marketo.

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