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Corporate Keynote on Marketing Automation in Germany

Corporate Keynote Marketing Automation Germany
Corporate Keynote in Germany

Diederik Martens acted is closing corporate keynote speaker. An international software company, with a headquarters in Germany, invited Diederik on their annual global marketing kick-off.

During this 4 day event colleagues are presented product updates and new processes. And they always invite a thought leader for a corporate keynote to inspire everyone. This year they invited Diederik a corporate keynote speaker to talk about marketing automation. The company is planning to roll out Hubspot in the second part of the year. Thus they thought it would be great to have the keynote about marketing automation.


Are you looking for a corporate keynote speaker?

Perhaps for your annual marketing and/or management kick-off. Or maybe to just inspire your management or marketeers? If so, please contact us.

Several topics could be addressed:

  • Marketing automation theory, best-practices, and examples
  • Optimize your marketing automation
  • Marketing Operations in 2020
  • Quintiq’s marketing automation journey case study
    With key milestones from growing from a 1 to a 5 people team.
  • Marketing and sales alignment
  • Buying journeys, buying personas, etc
  • And many more related topics

Other speaking options

Diederik also speaks at public events. He also joins as special guest at round tables. And Diederik is also a guest lecturer and helps to develop new educational programs (e.g. at Fontys University of Applied Science). Feel free to comment below or contact Diederik directly via the contact form.

Some extra resource suggestions for you

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