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How to be relevant to your (potential) customers with digital marketing?

The famous quote “Content is king, but distribution is queen, and she wears the pants” from Jonathan Perelman of BuzzFeed, says it all. Creating relevant content in your business is really important, but only great content won’t get you there. It’s crucial to distribute your content through the right channels and to offer it to the right target audience to get the most out of it.

We see it often, a lot of interesting content, but no clear strategy on how to engage with your customers. Which results in no clear path on how to distribute your content and no relevant target audience selection. As a result, you are not getting the desired results. Thus, how can you combine content and distribution in such a way to always be relevant to your (potential) customers?

Content is king, but distribution is queen
Knowing your audience is essential for offering relevant content. Thus, boost your conversion rates by selecting the right audience. But how do you define the audience for your content? In your marketing automation platform you can gather data about (potential) customers, and here’s how:

How to personalize customer data?

  • Define with your team on which information you want to target your audience
  • Create custom fields to match this information and to provide you in capturing this
  • Request this data in forms to actually capture and store it in your database
  • Use these custom fields in trigger and filter campaigns to target your audience on this specific data

when you want to target persons who are interested in a specific product, you can select the persons who have filled out they are interested in that specific product in a form before.

After you know your audience, it’s important to approach your audience at the right time with relevant content. But in which way can you offer relevant content to your target audience?

Marketing automation provides you with the tool to excel in nurturing your leads with relevant content. And we’ll give you the recipe on how to successfully deploy this:

How can you nurture leads that visit your web page?

  • Define which website pages match to which buyer stages
  • Define which buyer stages are in need of which content messages
  • Build an Engagement Program in your marketing automation platform, which triggers to send a relevant content message to persons who visit a specific webpage

when a customer visits a pricing page on your website for a specific product, an email will be send after 24 hours with a 10% discount if you order within two weeks.

Marketing automation hands you the tools to excel in knowing your audience and to distribute your content in several ways, in which you will always be relevant.

Forrester Research stated: “Companies that excel in lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% lower cost per lead”. So what are you waiting for?

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