Marketing & Sales alignment
Another recurring topic, which is also relevant for manufacturing companies, is marketing and sales alignment. The final commercial responsibility most likely lies with the sales team. However, promoting and selling through a web shop and making use of Marketing Automation are often handled by the marketing team. When the cooperation between marketing and sales is not good, the results of your Marketing Automation efforts will neither be good. A platform like Marketo Engage has to go hand in hand with a CRM system to perform at its best.
Last but not least, a very important topic for companies in this branch is how to deal with fast growing technologies. When a manufacturer starts with Marketing Technology, this can lead to problems. Manufacturers are not necessarily fast growing companies and don’t always have a clear vision on what the future of their company should look like. A Marketing Automation platform (e.g. Adobe Marketo Engage) is a rapidly developing technology, with which you can achieve amazing results on scalability and being future proof. That’s why it can be good for such companies to get some help with implementing Marketing Technologies, so they can get insights on how it will assist them and on all the possibilities.
There are many ways Marketing Technology and Automation can benefit companies in the manufacturing field. If you’re interested in how we could help you with that, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.