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Campaign Deployment

Limited with internal resources? Temporarily or structurally? Or in specific regions? Campaign quality issues? Or is your current outsourcing too expensive? We're happy to support you with our campaign deployment services and scale with your business.
Fianna van Dijk, MarTech Specialist "The lack of relevant expertise to carry out specific marketing tasks is, according to a CMO Survey report, the number one motivation why companies sought out the services of marketing agencies, even ahead of cost savings."

Commercial leaders are asking themselves:

  • My team is stuck in tactics and should become more strategic.
  • Digital transformation is stuck due to the limited expertise of my team.
  • How to avoid leaving/changing staff disrupting campaign deployment?
  • How can I reduce headcount,
    whilst maintaining number of leads through our campaigns?
  • How can we quickly scale campaigns?
  • What would our CFO think of my business case
    for outsourcing campaign deployment?

Frontrunning practitioners ask themselves:

  • Who’s taking over campaigns during my holiday?
  • How can I increase go-live for my campaigns?
  • I’d like to become more strategic.
    How can I reduce time spent on tools, like Marketo?
  • We make too many small mistakes in our campaigns?
    How can I ensure campaign quality?
  • Will external sources adhere to my own standards?
  • How to address data quality and security,
    when outsourcing campaign deployment?
  • How can I be supported all over the world
    in different time zones and languages without delays?

Why outsource?

Gartner’s most recent annual CMO Spend Survey revealed that marketing leaders’ priorities are shifting — and therefore, so are their budgets. Now, they’re spending nearly one-third of their budget on marketing technology. That increases the need for marketing technologists, in general, folks who have the ability to find new channels, models, and technologies to remain competitive. Can you staff all of that internally? These specialists tend to come at a higher price than generalists. Outsourcing can create value.

Our offering

We can offer the building and reviewing of campaigns according to the Chapman Bright high quality standards, but at low near-shoring rates. How? Well your Senior Consultant at Chapman Bright is responsible for the quality. He/she does the intake of your requests, he/she coordinates with our mid-level and dedicated near-shoring team, That team uses our or your templates and standards, and our Senior Consultant reviews the campaigns before circling back to you. That’s how we can promise quick deployment of qualitative campaigns that meet our high standards. And that at a competitive near-shoring rate. All in your own timezone and your own understandable language. So forget about low quality and communications struggles by offshoring half-way around the world. Let’s discuss how we can help or download the factsheet below.

We can offer you three packages: Elementary, Mature, and Advanced

  • Ensuring business process continuation with our Helpdesk
  • Operational business support (e.g. building/reviewing programs)
    • Weekly reserved hours for campaign building (specialist)
    • Weekly reserved hours for reviewing (sr. consultant)
    • Weekly coordination and alignment (sr. consultant)


Campaign Deployment near shoring

Download the full factsheet for this offering


Some of our customers that successfully outsourced campaign deployment to us

Kurt Vanderhaegen - Sr. Marketing Manager - Trend Micro “Due to improving our way of working with Marketo, we more than doubled the amount of campaigns and the amount of new names generated, with the same team.”

Related resources

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In this edition, Marketo Champions Christina Zuniga and Diederik Martens teamed up to create a full deep-dive into how they are leveraging Event Programs.

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Improving sales alignment, lead management, and the Marketo setup, to generate more sales ready leads

EMEA received the ‘keys’ to Marketo from the US office, but was unable to leverage Marketo’s potential to boost the business in EMEA.

Dennis van Drunen - Digital Marketer - Sungevity “High level of knowledge and expertise, quick response regarding support and pro-actively involved to turning business needs into intelligent, automation solutions”

Looking to outsource your campaign deployment?

Let's discuss how we could help